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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Attacks on Ron Paul Ramping Into High Gear

It used to be if you wanted to take control of a country you had to gain control of law enforcement and military. Today if you have a fascist army general carrying out some sort of coup d' etat you are considered backward and third world. This is because in this technological day in age, if you want to control the people, you must first control the communications.
Today someone controlling communications could be a blogger with a million followers, perhaps a multinational CEO with newspapers in several countries, or even an online news anchor with a big high dollar studio. And it is thanks to this Internet Revolution that there lies hope that perhaps the establishment media no longer has the choke-hold on the people that it once did. Over the past month I have watched Ron Paul soar in the polls, and generate massive interest among the Iowa Caucuses, despite the ongoing attacks against him by the establishment media.
Suddenly, Ron Paul is the man to beat. He is the modern day embodiment of the founding fathers and their principles of liberty, and the establishment media would be the tyrannical ruling monarchy in the UK in 1776. Mainstream journalist and commentators are standing by the criminal oligarchy that owns DC and wants to extirpate the American Constitution.
With many polls showing that support for Newt Gingrich is fading in Iowa, the kingmakers on the inside are facing a very real problem. What if Paul wins Iowa? With the recent news of turmoil in Iraq, many voters fearing the worst with Iran, and an economy that just can get up from its knees, how on earth are they going to stop this anti-government, anti-war movement backing Ron Paul. This movement is pulling from conservatives, libertarians, and honest liberals alike.
Despite every effort by the establishments sources like CNN, MSNBC, or even the faux conservative FOX News to denigrate him or pretend he doesn't exist the movement continues to gain strength. How desperate has it gotten for the establishment insiders? They have moved into an outright attack mode and have even used establishment elitist and former president George H W Bush to endorse Mitt Romney, the very man they have been attacking as a fake conservative since the beginning of this thing. These patterns are easy to see.
So the establishment media may be losing strength these days, as the blogosphere and other internet social media are providing Americans with alternative sources to learn about their candidates. The now fringe mainstream media, if you will, represent the criminal 1% that have hijacked this country and ran it into the dirt. And Americans are waking up to the realization that their media sources refuse to question political leaders about their criminal activity. The networks were more than happy to cover the Arab Spring but lent no credence to the Occupy Wall Street Movement. They've watched their pensions disappear and homes foreclose, and jobs lay them off. They want change that was promised eight years ago, but were instead subjected to four more years of Bush policy.
Voters seem to think Paul is the kind of guy who will get the country back on track. The establishment is scared to death of this, and so far the attacks haven't worked. So be ready people, because the shadow forces at work here wont be denied so easily and if Ron Paul does win the Republican, or perhaps a third party nominee, then the final solution will be to engineer the re-election of Barack Obama. We cannot let this happen.

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