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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Would you make a deal with Devil?

As I wast listening to Coast to Coast in the AM with George Norry last night he had a guest on the show that authored the Lennon Prophecies, a biography of the Beatles front man. And for those of you who aren't familiar with the show, it's kind of wacky. I'm not sure where you could find it on your dial, though it broadcast on FOX News radio here in Myrtle Beach SC. His show usually features guest with backgrounds in studying the occult.

I refer to him as space man.

In the guest's(Ray Coleman) book, he explains the Beatles meteoric rise to fame in the UK and subsequently in the states. How did they do it.

John Lennon sold his soul to the Devil.

Wild, right?

Coleman claims in December of 1960 john Lennon was approached by Lucifer himself and asked to sell out. Lennon, who himself had a passion for the occult, numerology, magic, and being bigger than Elvis Presley decided to take him up on the offer.

There is an album the Beatles released in the UK, in the early sixties that seems to have even featured a cameo from Satan. I believe the album was titled Feel Oldies.

Coleman says the Devil owned Lennon for twenty years until he was assassinated in December of 1980 by Mark David Chapman. Chapman would later claim while serving on death row that he had to have demons exorcised from him a few years after he was sentenced.

Now whether or not you believe this, it is still yet another weird interesting story involving the Beatles and I love it.

Now personally I don't think I could sell out. But I hear everyone has their price. I would like to hear from all of you on this one.

Could you make a deal with the Devil?

And if you have any interesting stories involving Lennon or The Beatles, please share.


Anonymous said...


Christina said...

You always have something interesting to say and this morning when I woke up I was thinking about several different things..besides that fact that I should be concentrating on my test...am I strong person? Not strong in the physical sense but in my standards, my beliefs and if I was really tested on this would stand up or cave...would I sell my soul to the devil? Which I would argue because I am a psyc major do we really have a soul? And if so, could anyone or thing( spirit, demon, or any other unnatural power) really take it? Can't wait to have a discussion with you on this!

Debz said...

If that's the Christina I think it is, she's SUCH a suck up.
I'm not sure what to think about it. It would definitely explain The Beatles own "cult like" following. Besides The Beatles and/or Elvis, is there or has there been any other group or individual who has experienced such a phenomenon? There may have been others, and I'm just not remembering.
I leave you with this:
"don't drink the kool-aid"

Oh, and:
Call your mother.