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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I would like to start this series of articles by discussing a well known event that is virtually single-handedly responsible for the escalation of The Untied States Of America's military operations in Vietnam. It was reported that on the night of August 2nd 1964 that two US Destroyers engaged three North Vietnamese torpedo boats eventually sinking one of the three torpedo boats. A similar even reportedly took place two nights later on August 4th. These events coupled with the assassination of John F Kennedy were largely responsible for sweeping the nation into support of a military operations in Vietnam. These same tactics were employed many times in the history of this country including on September 11, 2001.

The outcome of these events in the Gulf of Tonkin resulted in the passage by US Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave President Lyndon B Johnson authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be "jeopordized" by communist agression. In 2005 an internal NSA historical study concluded that these reports may have been unfounded. While it seems appearant that there was a military engagement between the said naval vessels on the night of August 2nd, 1964, there was no incident two nights later. This event was totally fabricated by the US intelligence agencies. The report stated, " It is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened, it is that no attack happened that night. In truth Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing but the salvage of the two boats damaged on August 2nd. " These are damning quotes from high officials. President Johnson would say later in 1965 that, " for all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.

In 1981 the ships Captain Herrick and journalist Robert Scheerer re-examined the ships logs and determined that the first torpedo strike on August 4th had actually never occured. So why the cover up. I beleieve this was a way to build public support for millitary efforts in Vietnam, which President Kennedy wanted no part of by the way. Many may argue the intent of the US governemnt saying they did not fabricate this to bring us into war and I hear that point of view and wont dismiss it. However the intention of this cover-up doesnt need to be called into question as much as the fact that there was any cover up at all. An attack was reported to happen that never took place and was the selling point for a war we became stuck in for a decade, and it was based on a lie. That fact cannot be argued. For whatever the reason, there was a cover-up and the entire nation was decieved.

This is just the first of many articles I plan to write here, please feel free to comment as I am gauging interest for my book. Thank you.

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